Thursday, April 2, 2009

A Successful Bonfire

If you want to know how to have a great bonfire this is the article for you. The first thing you have to do is collect the wood. You want to make sure you have plenty of wood so when the fire gets going it is easy to feed more wood into it. This will ensure a steady base fire. You want to get three sizes of wood. Small, medium, and large pieces are needed. Tinder, which is the smallest flakes of wood that you can find, must go on the bottom of the fire. Newspaper or some other kind of starting material is recommended also. After all the wood and starting material are collected, the base of the fire must be assembled very carefully. There are many styles of fires that you can make. The log cabin, tee pee, and the lean to are the most common. To construct a log cabin you put the newspaper and the tinder in the middle. Next, put medium to large logs (preferably the same size) on two sides surrounding the tinder. Put two more logs of the same size on top of the previous logs. These go on the corners of the logs. Stack a few more up and then put some small to medium sized logs in the middle. Now all you have to do is light the tinder in the middle and you have your log cabin. The tee pee has almost the same construction. Tinder and newspaper goes in the middle. Put medium sized logs in a tee pee above that. Then add larger logs in another layer of the tee pee outside that. The lean to is the easiest way to make a good fire. All you do is find a thick log and set it on its side. Then, put your tinder and newspaper beside it. Prop up small to medium sticks over the tinder. Light the tinder and add larger sticks when the fire gets going. In conclusion, the log cabin, the tee pee, and the lean to are three great styles of fires that are sure to get you hot!

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