Sunday, April 19, 2009

Perfect for a bonfire

Bonfires, in my opinion, are one of the most enjoyable spring activities you can do with your friends. The weather in the spring is usually very nice and great for having them. The nights are usually a little chilly which is good because the fire will take care of that no problem. On Friday night the weather was outstanding. The temperature was cool, but not too cold. The sky was clear as a bell allowing us to see the stars very clearly. The fire was big and bright. We used a lot of wood that night to keep it that way. The fire pit we were at was well constructed. After the fire died down a little, we got some marshmallows and roasted them over the fire. There is nothing better than the taste of golden marshmallows roasted over a fire. We could not have asked for a better night. There was one incident that did not go too well for me. I was cooking a hot dog over the fire. I wanted to check and see if it was done. When I but my mouth on the hot dog my lips accidentally touched the flaming hot steal poker that they were on. My lip now has an outline of the shape of the poker on it. It did not hurt too bad, but it was just one of those things that you know you should not have done. Anyway, everybody else made it without hurting themselves. In conclusion, the nice weather and bonfires bring a lot of fun and pain. Either way they are a good time.

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