Thursday, April 9, 2009

3rd Hour Off

Since I am a senior now I have an hour off of school during the school day. It is 3rd hour. This is the best hour of my day. My three best friends also have this hour off so it makes it extra special. We do a number of different things during this time. Everyday we do one thing like clockwork. This is eating. It is the best part of my day. We go to a bunch of different places. Yesterday we went to Sonic. The day before that we went to Burger King. Other destinations include Wendy's, Daren's Cafe, Arby's, Taco Bell, McDonalds, and many others. We like doing activities when we have extra time after eating. Ping pong is usually one of the daily activities. When the weather is nice we go outside and play a little basketball. Sometimes we go hot tubbing in Daren's hot tub. It is a great time, and I look forward to all of our time together every day. It is a nice break from school.

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