Thursday, April 23, 2009

A Chorus Line

Kennedy High School is well known for its drama program. People know that we usually put on spectacular shows. We do a fall musical, a winter play, and a spring musical. I have only been a part of two shows here at Kennedy. The first one I was in was a musical of "Cinderella". This occured last year. It was, for the most part, a success. I wasn't a big part of the show, however. I was in the chorus and appeared only a few times throughout the show. I am currently in the musical "A Chorus Line". This production is about an audition for a broadway musical. You get to know each character throuout the audition process. I was lucky to get a principal role in this musical. My character name is Don Kerr. He is a ladies man and is very confident in himself. He used to work at strip clubs in his hometown of Kansas City, Kansas. I enjoy playing this character because I think it fits my personality, and therefore is relatively easy to portray to the audience. I feel like this show has a wonderful cast. The dancing and singing abilities are outstanding. The acting is also very good. Everyone really gets into their characters. I think, for the most part, everyone has a part of their real life personalities in their stage personalities. We have worked very hard, and rehearsed for numerous hours trying to make the best product possible. I am a senior this year so this will be the last time I get a chance to do anything of this sort. Hopefully I can leave it all on the stage and give great performances. I am greatful to be a part of this incredible show.

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