Thursday, January 8, 2009

First Winter Fishing Outing

For most students the holiday break is just a relaxing break from school filled with family get-togethers, but for me it was more than that. It was a perfect time to get out ice fishing. Lake Mcbride was the destination. It was 7 am when my friend and I stepped foot onto the lake. The lake was dropped about 8 feet before the winter hit, and now exposes a lot of, what used to be underwater, structure. We first drilled holes near a tree that was somewhat close to the bank. I knew a good spot from last year was a little farther out, but this was in the same area. We picked up a coulpe small bluegill, but we wanted to find the crappie. We tried drilling farther out on the spot I knew from last year, but we didn't have much luck. After a while we got tired of not catching anything and moved back around the tree that we tried earlier. The crappies were not here either, although we did pick up a few more bluegill. The trip wasn't a great success, but it is always fun to get out on the lake.

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