Monday, January 19, 2009

Good Technology

In a recent post I told you that i had ordered a new sonar unit called the Showdown. I have, since then, received it and put it to use. There was a small problem however. When I first took it out of the box, i noticed a plastic piece was broken on the bottom of the unit. A person never likes when he or she receives something broken so I called the dealer and he offered me a new one. He also suggested to call the manufacturer to get a new part, which would save time and money. This is what I did, and it turns out they sent me a new piece and everything works just fine. When i first looked at the display, I wasn't exactly sure how to read it. It didn't take long for me to realize that it was way easier than i thought. The top is the top of the water and the bottom is the bottom. The depth is displayed right away and is great for finding a spot to fish. You don't even need a hold in the ice for this unit to work! That's right it can "see through the ice", which is amazing to me. It is similar to the Vexlar in the sense that the bigger lines indicate bigger objects such as timber, rocks, and large fish. The smaller lines represent smaller fish and little algae pieces and things of that sort. An ice fisherman once said to me that he forgot his sonar unit at home on the way to go fishing, and ended up turning around and getting it. That's how much of a difference these units can make. I now believe it and the Showdown is truely the sonar of this generation.

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