Monday, May 25, 2009

Final Post

This will be the final post of my blog. I want to reflect a little bit about how I thought the blogging went. Overall I think it had good and bad aspects to it. One good thing about it is that you can chose your topic. That makes it very easy to write if you know a lot about your topic. It also makes it more enjoyable. Another good thing is that it helps your writing ability. Going to college next year I am expecting to write a number of papers so this helps get me used to all the typing. There were a few things that I did not like and want to talk about. One thing is the amount of blogs every week. Most high school kids are told to join a lot of activities because it gets you more involved and such. I am a great believer in this theory. If kids are in a lot of activities they are most likely not concerned or just don't have the time to write three blog entries a week. This is most likely one of the reasons so many kids didn't do all of the assigned writing. On the other side of that it helps you to learn how to manage your time. As you can see I am torn between the two sides. This whole blogging assignment would have been on my better side if we didn't have to write three entries every week. One entry would be sufficient in my opinion. I feel this way because I am one of those kids that is in a lot of activities, and it was difficult to get the assigned writing done every week. In conclusion the actual writing part isn't too bad, but the amount of writing should be lessened in my opinion.

1 comment:

bmcalli said...

blogging has nothing to do with writing college essays and papers lol