Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Deer Hunting

Deer hunting is in full swing now. It is shotgun season now and it is the time when the most hunters are on the prowl. Deer hunting is very good here in the state of Iowa. The Iowa DNR reminds us that if they bag a deer, that the head and antlers, if any, must remain attached to the carcass until it is processed for consumption. I personally haven't been deer hunting this season so i can't speak first hand on how the hunting as been. I have heard numerous stories of trophy bucks being shot from buddies of mine. One guys family I know already have 5 deer this season. I would imagine it is this way for most parts of the state. I like going phesant hunting more than deer hunting and I'll tell you why. When you deer hunt, you are most likely sitting and waiting for the deer to come to you. When you are phesant hunting, you go to the phesant. This walking around keeps me warm, and is why I would rather be searching for something to shoot rather than waiting for it to come to me. Although I like phesant hunting more, it has not been good for the past couple years. The phesant population in Iowa has fallen due to hunters shooting large numbers in the preceeding years. This is a sad thing and takes the fun away when hunters can't go out now and see even one bird. So if you're one of the hunters that shoots more than your supposed to. STOP, and save the population so that other people can enjoy the hunting season.

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